RESTing rather than wrestling with Jenkins
So this is not quite Today I Learned, as I discovered this a few days back, but that doesn't work quite so well as TIL ....Jenkins has a rather nifty REST API, where all/most of the common functions...
View ArticleToday I learned ... when is Bash not Bash ?
Having written Bash ( Bourne Again Shell ) scripts for the longest time, I couldn't quite work out why some things that worked on my Mac did NOT work on my colleague's Mac, even though he was using my...
View ArticleKubernetes on IBM Z - Flannel says "No"
I hit an interesting issue with a K8s 1.19.2 running on an IBM Z box, specifically across a pair of Ubuntu containers which were then running on an IBM Secure Service Container (SSC) LPAR on a Z box in...
View ArticleMicrosoft Visual Studio Code and Go - compiler says "No" - "main redeclared...
So I had a bit of a face-palm moment this afternoon, whilst discussing how to configure Microsoft Visual Studio Code ( aka VS Code ) with Go on macOS 11 Big Sur.Having updated Go to the most recent...
View ArticleHTTP 403 - Unauthorized - REST API being hexed ...
A colleague had an interesting challenge this AM, with a REST API authorisation failure.The API call, using the POST verb, should have just worked, but she was seeing: -{ "message" : "Unauthorized",...
View ArticleJQ saves me time AND typing
Over the past few months, I've been getting more to grips with jq and have only just realised that I can actually use it to parse JSON way better than using grep and awk and sed.TL;DR; I've got a Bash...
View ArticleScripts for a future me - grabbing a container's IP address
I'm writing this now, as I'll likely need it in the not-too-distant future.I want to grab the IP address of a Linux box e.g. an Ubuntu container or VM.The command ip address returns a slew of...
View ArticleMore about K8s medium-strength ciphers and Kube Scheduler
Last year, I wrote about how I was able to mitigate a medium-strength ciphers warning against the cube-scheduler component of IBM Cloud Private ( a Kubernetes distribution ): -Mitigating "SSL Medium...
View ArticleJQ - Syntax on macOS vs. Linux
I keep forgetting that the syntax of commands on macOS often varies from Linux platforms, such as Ubuntu.JQ ( jq ) is a good example.So here's an example using json_pp ( JSON Print Pretty )echo...
View ArticleMore about jq - this time it's searching for stuff
Having written a lot about jq recently, I'm continuing to have fun.Today it's about searching for stuff, as I was seeking to parse a huge amount of output ( a list of running containers ) for a...
View ArticleArgh, Kubernetes and YAML hell
I was trying to create a Kubernetes (K8s) Secret, containing existing Docker credentials, as per this: -Create a Secret based on existing Docker credentialsand kept hitting syntax errors with the...
View ArticleGah, ImagePullBackOff with Calico CNI running on Kubernetes
Whilst deploying Calico Node etc. to my cluster, via: -kubectl apply -f calico.yamland whilst checking the running Pods, via: -kubectl get pods -AI was seeing: -...kube-system calico-node-9srv6...
View ArticleI learn something new each and every day - finding big files on macOS
This came up in the context of a colleague trying to work out what's eating his Mac's disk.Whilst I'm familiar with using the built-in Storage Management app, which includes a Recommendations tab:...
View ArticleJQ - more filtering, more fun
Building upon earlier posts, I wanted to streamline the output from a REST API that returns a list of running containers: -curl -s -k -X GET -H 'Accept:...
View ArticleTinkering with YQ, it's like JQ but for YAML rather than JSON
A colleague was tinkering with Mike Farah's excellent yq tool, and had asked about updating it on his Mac.I've got yq installed via Homebrew: -brew updatewhich threw up: -Error: homebrew-core is a...
View ArticleMunging Dockerfiles using sed
So I had a requirement to update a Dockerfile, which I'd pulled from a GitHub repository, without actually adding my changes ( via git add and git commit ) to that repo ...Specifically, I wanted to...
View ArticleFun with IBM Container Registry, Vulnerability Advisor and Nginx
So I'm tinkering with IBM Container Registry (ICR) at present, and am testing the Vulnerability Advisor (VA) feature, by building/tagging/pushing a basic Nginx image.Having configured my Nginx server...
View ArticleGah, again with the ImagePullBackOff
So, following on from this: -Gah, ImagePullBackOff with Calico CNI running on KubernetesI was again seeing this: -kube-system calico-node-lxmk4 0/1 Init:ImagePullBackOff...
View ArticleTwo of my favourite things - Kubernetes and jq
As per recent posts, I've been falling in love with jq and using it for more and more and more ....Today, it's Kubernetes meets jqSpecifically, working with secrets ... and following on from an...
View ArticleNot in Kansas anymore - apparently I don't exist
Whilst trying to upgrade the Tekton CLI tool tkn using Homebrew: -brew upgrade tektoncd/tools/tektoncd-cli==> Upgrading 1 outdated package:tektoncd/tools/tektoncd-cli 0.8.0 -> 0.15.0==>...
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