I keep forgetting that the syntax of commands on macOS often varies from Linux platforms, such as Ubuntu.
JQ ( jq ) is a good example.
So here's an example using json_pp ( JSON Print Pretty )
echo '{"givenName":"Dave","familyName":"Hay"}' | json_pp
"givenName" : "Dave",
"familyName" : "Hay"
and here's the same example using jq
echo '{"givenName":"Dave","familyName":"Hay"}' | jq
"givenName": "Dave",
"familyName": "Hay"
Usage: jq [options] <jq filter> [file...]
jq is a tool for processing JSON inputs, applying the
given filter to its JSON text inputs and producing the
filter's results as JSON on standard output.
The simplest filter is ., which is the identity filter,
copying jq's input to its output unmodified (except for
For more advanced filters see the jq(1) manpage ("man jq")
and/or https://stedolan.github.io/jq
Some of the options include:
-ccompact instead of pretty-printed output;
-nuse `null` as the single input value;
-eset the exit status code based on the output;
-sread (slurp) all inputs into an array; apply filter to it;
-routput raw strings, not JSON texts;
-Rread raw strings, not JSON texts;
-Ccolorize JSON;
-Mmonochrome (don't colorize JSON);
-Ssort keys of objects on output;
--tabuse tabs for indentation;
--arg a vset variable $a to value <v>;
--argjson a vset variable $a to JSON value <v>;
--slurpfile a fset variable $a to an array of JSON texts read from <f>;
See the manpage for more options.
Note the version of jq being reported - by default, it is: -
To validate this, I created a basic Jenkinsfile: -
node('cf_slave') {
stage('Testing jq') {
sh '''#!/bin/bash
which jq
ls -al `which jq`
jq --version
echo '{"givenName":"Dave","familyName":"Hay"}' | jq
which: -
(a) show which jq is being used
(b) shows the file-path of that jq
(c) shows the version of that jq
(d) attempts to render the same bit of JSON
which returned: -
09:06:22 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 280720 Sep 7 2018 /usr/bin/jq
09:06:22 jq-1.5-1-a5b5cbe
09:06:22 jq - commandline JSON processor [version 1.5-1-a5b5cbe]
09:06:22 Usage: jq [options] <jq filter> [file...]
09:06:22 jq is a tool for processing JSON inputs, applying the
09:06:22 given filter to its JSON text inputs and producing the
09:06:22 filter's results as JSON on standard output.
09:06:22 The simplest filter is ., which is the identity filter,
09:06:22 copying jq's input to its output unmodified (except for
09:06:22 formatting).
09:06:22 For more advanced filters see the jq(1) manpage ("man jq")
09:06:22 and/or https://stedolan.github.io/jq
09:06:22 Some of the options include:
09:06:22 -ccompact instead of pretty-printed output;
09:06:22 -nuse `null` as the single input value;
09:06:22 -eset the exit status code based on the output;
09:06:22 -sread (slurp) all inputs into an array; apply filter to it;
09:06:22 -routput raw strings, not JSON texts;
09:06:22 -Rread raw strings, not JSON texts;
09:06:22 -Ccolorize JSON;
09:06:22 -Mmonochrome (don't colorize JSON);
09:06:22 -Ssort keys of objects on output;
09:06:22 --tabuse tabs for indentation;
09:06:22 --arg a vset variable $a to value <v>;
09:06:22 --argjson a vset variable $a to JSON value <v>;
09:06:22 --slurpfile a fset variable $a to an array of JSON texts read from <f>;
09:06:22 See the manpage for more options.
So, there's the issue - the default version of jq that's included within my cf_slave container is out-of-date.
There are two resolutions here: -
(a) Install an up-to-date version of jq
(b) Add a trailing period to the jq command
echo '{"givenName":"Dave","familyName":"Hay"}' | jq .
"givenName": "Dave",
"familyName": "Hay"