A colleague had an interesting challenge this AM, with a REST API authorisation failure.
The API call, using the POST verb, should have just worked, but she was seeing: -
"message" : "Unauthorized",
"statusCode" : 403
"message" : "Unauthorized",
"statusCode" : 403
From an authorisation perspective, the cURL command was using an environment, ACCESS_TOKEN, which had been previously set via a prior Bash script, via this: -
—H "authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}"
Having copied the command that she was running, I saw the same exception even though similar POST verbs worked for me.
After much digging, I realised the problem; her cURL command should have included this: -
-H "authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}"
Hmm, looks pretty identical, right ?
For some weird reason, the hyphen ( - ) in my colleague's command wasn't actually a hyphen.
I ended up using hexedit to dig into the failing command: -
where those strange-looking period ( . ) symbols were actually: -
20 E2 80 94 48 20
rather than: -
20 2D 48 20
So the failing command had hex E2 80 94 whereas the working command had hex 2D, before the letter H ( which is hex 48 ).
I'm guessing that this was a copy/paste-induced bug, but it was fun digging .....