Grep AND awk
The context for this is that I'm working with the IBM Cloud CLI tool, specifically the Infrastructure Services plugin to find a specific subset of images, from which I can instantiate a Virtual Server...
View ArticleiTerm2 and keyboard navigation - Today I Learned
I've been using iTerm2 off and on for a few years now, and find it especially useful when running live demos - one nice feature is that I can present multiple terminal windows in the same screen -...
View ArticleAirPlay and TV and macOS Monterey
For those using AirPlay to mirror to an external screen e.g. TV etc. you can toggle whether the Screen Mirroring tool shows up in the Menu Bar - or not - via System Preferences -> Dock & Menu...
View ArticleTinkering with arrays in ZSH
Someone had asked: -if you have a command that returns two values, can you assign each value to a separate variable? For example, I have a command that returns two lines, and I want NAME to be set to...
View ArticleGit and Ubuntu - not branching out
Whilst trying to make some changes to a GitHub project, using an Ubuntu box, I hit an interesting issue with git switch - namely that it doesn't work So I'm running Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS: -lsb_release...
View ArticleMunging JSON with JQ - without using grep and awk
Further to a previous post: -Grep AND awkI wanted to achieve much the same, but only using jqSo here we go: -c is images --output JSON | jq -r '.[] |...
View ArticleHaving fun and games with Kubernetes networking
I'd forgotten how much I simply enjoy the opportunities for hacking - in the original naive sense of the word - that Kubernetes (K8s) offers.Today I've been working to find out why CoreDNS didn't work...
View ArticleTIL - read-only variables in Linux
A co-worker was seeing an exception: - line 8: TMOUT: readonly variablewhen trying to SCP a file from a remote Linux box.I did some digging and found a RedHat article: -Why does it prompt "bash:...
View ArticleToday I Learned - Shorter redirection, what's not to like ?
So I write a lot of scrips for Bash and Zsh, and often make use of redirection where, for example, I generate a variable by running another command within parentheses.As a specific example, I'd query...
View ArticleTo start, press any key .... hey, where's the [Any] key ?
So I was writing some scripts for a demo that I delivered earlier today...One script will run on my Mac, using the Zsh shell, the other will run on an Ubuntu box, using Bash.In both cases, I wanted to...
View ArticleGrokking grep
A colleague was tinkering with grep and, thanks to him, I discovered a bit more about the trusty little utility.I had not really explored the -e switch: - -e pattern, --regexp=pattern...
View ArticleBeen a while - back with some wget fun
Whilst digging into some Kubernetes testing, validating a fix that I'd made to my cluster, I was deploying both Nginx and Busybox pods.The Nginx pods were deployed across all my Compute Nodes, to...
View ArticleInstalling pylint on Linux - there's more than one way ...
I'm running some Travis builds of a project which includes Python modules, and wanted to manually run the pylint linting tool across my GitHub repo, to compare/contrast what Travis was telling me.I'm...
View ArticleMore fun with pip
Again with the Python and pip fun, this time on my Mac, where commands such as: pip3 listand: -pip3 install --upgrade pipwere failing with: -WARNING: There was an error checking the latest version of...
View ArticleGetting the architecture right
I'm building container images using Docker and Podman, and wanted to provide the consuming engineer with a way to specify the architecture e.g. amd64 or s390x etc. of a dependent download from within...
View ArticleTIL - Docker secrets and BuildKit
Today I was initially struggling to build a container image using Docker BuildKit, via : -DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker buildand was somewhat confused by a reference to to : -cat /run/secrets/SECRET.TXTin...
View ArticleDon't Panic - kubelet won't start but ....
Whilst building a new "vanilla" Kubernetes 1.25.4 cluster, I'd started the kubelet service via: -systemctl start kubelet.serviceand then decided to check how it was doing: -systemctl status...
View ArticleK8s networking - where's my Flannel ?
Whilst setting up a new "vanilla" Kubernetes (K8s) cluster across two Ubuntu 20.04.5 VMs, I kept hitting a networking aka - issue.Having created the cluster using kubeadm init as per the following:...
View ArticleContainer images and Software Bill Of Materials (SBOM)
Today, I'll mainly be reading about, and tinkering with, Software Bill Of Materials (SBOM), in the context of container images.I'm starting with this: -Generate the SBOM for Docker imagesA Software...
View ArticleIBM Cloud Kubernetes Service - where's my KUBECONFIG ?
As much as anything, this is a reminder of where the KUBECONFIG ( Kubernetes configuration ) gets persisted, by default, when I retrieve the cluster config using the IBM Cloud CLI tool.So, I have a...
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