I saw this: -
and this: -
[05/12/16 19:29:23:233 GMT] 0000024b HttpProtocolH W com.ibm.bpm.endpoint.impl.strategies.HttpProtocolHostStrategy getEndpointUrl Unable to construct URL because servlet request argument was null
[05/12/16 19:29:23:274 GMT] 0000024b HttpProtocolH W com.ibm.bpm.endpoint.impl.strategies.HttpProtocolHostStrategy getEndpointUrl Unable to construct URL because servlet request argument was null
[05/12/16 19:29:23:335 GMT] 0000024b HttpProtocolH W com.ibm.bpm.endpoint.impl.strategies.HttpProtocolHostStrategy getEndpointUrl Unable to construct URL because servlet request argument was null
[05/12/16 19:29:23:356 GMT] 0000024b HttpProtocolH W com.ibm.bpm.endpoint.impl.strategies.HttpProtocolHostStrategy getEndpointUrl Unable to construct URL because servlet request argument was null
[05/12/16 19:29:23:409 GMT] 0000024b HttpProtocolH W com.ibm.bpm.endpoint.impl.strategies.HttpProtocolHostStrategy getEndpointUrl Unable to construct URL because servlet request argument was null
[05/12/16 19:29:23:487 GMT] 0000024b HttpProtocolH W com.ibm.bpm.endpoint.impl.strategies.HttpProtocolHostStrategy getEndpointUrl Unable to construct URL because servlet request argument was null
[05/12/16 19:29:23:510 GMT] 0000024b HttpProtocolH W com.ibm.bpm.endpoint.impl.strategies.HttpProtocolHostStrategy getEndpointUrl Unable to construct URL because servlet request argument was null
[05/12/16 19:29:23:534 GMT] 0000024b HttpProtocolH W com.ibm.bpm.endpoint.impl.strategies.HttpProtocolHostStrategy getEndpointUrl Unable to construct URL because servlet request argument was null
[05/12/16 19:29:23:274 GMT] 0000024b HttpProtocolH W com.ibm.bpm.endpoint.impl.strategies.HttpProtocolHostStrategy getEndpointUrl Unable to construct URL because servlet request argument was null
[05/12/16 19:29:23:335 GMT] 0000024b HttpProtocolH W com.ibm.bpm.endpoint.impl.strategies.HttpProtocolHostStrategy getEndpointUrl Unable to construct URL because servlet request argument was null
[05/12/16 19:29:23:356 GMT] 0000024b HttpProtocolH W com.ibm.bpm.endpoint.impl.strategies.HttpProtocolHostStrategy getEndpointUrl Unable to construct URL because servlet request argument was null
[05/12/16 19:29:23:409 GMT] 0000024b HttpProtocolH W com.ibm.bpm.endpoint.impl.strategies.HttpProtocolHostStrategy getEndpointUrl Unable to construct URL because servlet request argument was null
[05/12/16 19:29:23:487 GMT] 0000024b HttpProtocolH W com.ibm.bpm.endpoint.impl.strategies.HttpProtocolHostStrategy getEndpointUrl Unable to construct URL because servlet request argument was null
[05/12/16 19:29:23:510 GMT] 0000024b HttpProtocolH W com.ibm.bpm.endpoint.impl.strategies.HttpProtocolHostStrategy getEndpointUrl Unable to construct URL because servlet request argument was null
[05/12/16 19:29:23:534 GMT] 0000024b HttpProtocolH W com.ibm.bpm.endpoint.impl.strategies.HttpProtocolHostStrategy getEndpointUrl Unable to construct URL because servlet request argument was null
on a freshly-minted IBM BPM Process Center installation, when attempting to log into Process Designer from a remote Windows 7 box.
I know WHAT I did wrong; not sure precisely how, but I ended up with localhost in my BPMConfig properties file - Advanced-PC-ThreeClusters-DB2.properties :-
This is an internal PoC, so, rather than rebuilding my Deployment Environment, I set out to "fix" the problem.
I suspect that it was related to the BPM Endpoints, that would've been misconfigured to use localhost rather than a real hostname.
In the context of these Endpoints, the ones that I'm specifically interested relate to the so-called EXTERNAL_CLIENT scenario, as described here: -
Therefore, I wrote this Jython script to resolve the problem: -
bpmurllist=AdminUtilities.convertToList(AdminConfig.list("BPMURL", bpmurlsid))
for item in bpmurllist :
if AdminConfig.showAttribute(item,'scenario')==scenario : bpmurl=item
which I then validated as follows: -
print AdminConfig.show(bpmurl)
which returns: -
[strategies "com.ibm.bpm.endpoint.impl.strategies.WCCMConfigStrategy, com.ibm.bpm.endpoint.impl.strategies.HttpProtocolHostStrategy"]
[url https://bpm855.uk.ibm.com:9443]
Once I restarted the AppCluster, Process Designer just worked :-)
The moral of the story ? Get your hostnames RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT when building a Deployment Environment, but also know how to configure the BPM Endpoints, especially when adding web servers ( IBM HTTP Server ), load balancers etc.