After completing this course, you should be able to accomplish these tasks:
• Describe the factors that lead to the adoption of cloud computing.
• Describe infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, and software as a service.
• Define cloud computing.
• Describe IBM Bluemix.
• Describe the architecture of IBM Bluemix.
• Identify the runtimes and services that Bluemix offers.
• Explain how to get started with Bluemix.
• Describe Bluemix organizations, domains, spaces, and users.
• Create Bluemix applications.
• Use services in a Bluemix application.
• Set environmental variables that are used with Bluemix services.
• Deploy and run Bluemix applications.
• Describe how to create an IBM SDK for Node.js application that runs on Bluemix.
• Explain how to manage a Bluemix account with the Cloud Foundry CLI.[
• ]Describe how to integrate workstation development platforms with Bluemix.
• Manage application code and assets with IBM Bluemix DevOps services.
• Work with the Git repository that is used by DevOps services.
• Describe the characteristics of REST APIs.
• Describe the use of JSON as the preferred data format for REST APIs.
• dentify the data services that are available on Bluemix.
• Describe the features in Bluemix for developing mobile applications.
• Create a MobileFirst Services Starter application on Bluemix.
• Send push notifications from Bluemix and receive them on the mobile device emulator.