So I posted about BPM 8.0.1 and WebDAV yesterday, and was pleased as punch to find that the WebDAV support in Mac OS X was so smooth.
Imagine my surprise to find that it's not quite as easy with Windows :-(
My colleague was trying, and struggling, to get WebDAV working on her Windows 2008 Server VM, hosting BPM, and also with Windows 7 on her desktop.
In both cases, using Windows Explorer etc. to attempt to map a connection to the BPM server via WebDAV, she was getting a particularly useless exception -
So, where I'd use a URL such as: -
she had to use a Windows-like URL of: -
but this merely failed with: -
0x80004005: Unspecified error
which is really helpful - NOT !
Googling around led me to various "solutions" including hacking the registry !!
Sadly none of them worked, so I gave up on Windows Explorer etc. and instead downloaded Cyberduck.
That worked a treat - for the record, here're the settings that we used ( this was running on the BPM server itself, hence the use of localhost ): -
Enjoy :-)