One of my team was asked about the option to use the Oracle Java Runtime Environment with WebSphere Liberty Profile, in the specific context of using the JConsole monitoring tool.
GreatKnow - Monitor Websphere Liberty Profile with JConsole
I'll find out how he got in, and post back
Most of the time, I tend to think about the IBM JRE, so my automatic answer ( pertaining to Health Centre ) wasn't an option.
After a quick online search, I found a bunch of links, some of which may be relevant: -
IBM - Monitoring the Liberty profile
IBM - Setting up IBM Worklight in an IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile farm
IBM - WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Administration and Configuration Guide for Liberty Profile
IBM - Setting up IBM Worklight in an IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile farm
IBM - WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Administration and Configuration Guide for Liberty Profile
GreatKnow - Monitor Websphere Liberty Profile with JConsole
I'll find out how he got in, and post back