As part of my current project, I need to validate the process for installing DB2 10.5 and WebSphere MQ 8.0 on an AIX server.
Filesystem GB blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd4 0.25 0.06 78% 9932 42% /
/dev/hd2 2.12 0.24 89% 43368 42% /usr
/dev/hd9var 0.50 0.25 51% 4109 7% /var
/dev/hd3 0.12 0.12 3% 37 1% /tmp
/dev/hd1 0.12 0.12 1% 5 1% /home
/dev/hd11admin 0.12 0.12 1% 5 1% /admin
/proc - - - - - /proc
/dev/hd10opt 0.38 0.19 51% 7036 14% /opt
/dev/livedump 0.25 0.25 1% 4 1% /var/adm/ras/livedump
We have an excellent virtual loaner programme within my team, so I was able to quickly borrow an AIX box, located in the US, and get hooked up via VPN.
First thing I had to do was grow the available disk, as I didn't have much free space with which to play: -
df -g
Filesystem GB blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd4 0.25 0.06 78% 9932 42% /
/dev/hd2 2.12 0.24 89% 43368 42% /usr
/dev/hd9var 0.50 0.25 51% 4109 7% /var
/dev/hd3 0.12 0.12 3% 37 1% /tmp
/dev/hd1 0.12 0.12 1% 5 1% /home
/dev/hd11admin 0.12 0.12 1% 5 1% /admin
/proc - - - - - /proc
/dev/hd10opt 0.38 0.19 51% 7036 14% /opt
/dev/livedump 0.25 0.25 1% 4 1% /var/adm/ras/livedump
My AIX contact in the US confirmed that I had 100 GB available, so I merely needed to "grow" one of my file-systems.
I chose to grow /opt as that's where my software is mainly going to "live" : -
chfs -a size=50G /opt
Next hurdle was to get SSH enabled, as I really don't get along with telnet after all these years.
I chose to use the OpenSSH version of the SSH components, available from IBM below: -
Specifically, I needed to download: -
OpenSSH Version 6.0
OpenSSL Version 1.0.1.x
OpenSSL Version 1.0.1.x
which resulted in: -
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 6786805 Jan 28 11:46 OpenSSH_6.0.0.6200.tar.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 20852282 Jan 28 11:55 openssl-
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 20852282 Jan 28 11:55 openssl-
I'd previously downloaded bash and tar from the AIX Toolbox: -
so I expanded the two .tar.Z files, resulting in: -
drwxrwxr-x 2 435159 781431 4096 Jan 28 11:48 OpenSSH_6.0.0.6200
drwx------ 2 435159 781431 256 Jan 28 11:56 openssl-
drwx------ 2 435159 781431 256 Jan 28 11:56 openssl-
which I then installed: -
cd ./openssl-
installp -ac -Y -d . openssl.base
installp -ac -Y -d . openssl.base
cd ./OpenSSH_6.0.0.6200
installp -ac -Y -d . openssh.base openssh.license
This did all that I needed, and I merely needed to log out and then connect to the AIX box via ssh which is nice.