So, hot on the heels of my previous post: -
I was looking to replicate the same for Process Center.
Strangely, when I looked at my Performance Data Warehouse (PDW) database for the Process Center environment, I did NOT have the TASKS table, merely LSW_TASK, and couldn't work out what SQL was actually used to create the missing table.
Interestingly, whilst there are SQL scripts to create all of the BPM/PDW/CMN database tables, there's nothing for TASKS. It appears that this is created dynamically.
When I dug further, via the Performance Admin console ( ), I could see errors in the View Errors tab.
I dug further into the underlying DB2 database tables, specifically LSW_DATA_TRANSFER_ERRORS : -
db2 "select error from db2user1.lsw_data_transfer_errors"
(PFS-0065) Snapshot 2064.8961f2a9-d0f9-419f-bfee-8e6437c4c0ba, undefined tracking group with external ID guid:06fb68640f875312:27f9b3f:148179f00e7:-7ffc. Send definitions to define the tracking group.
com.lombardisoftware.client.delegate.BusinessDelegateException: (PFS-0065) Snapshot 2064.8961f2a9-d0f9-419f-bfee-8e6437c4c0ba, undefined tracking group with external ID guid:06fb68640f875312:27f9b3f:148179f00e7:-7ffc. Send definitions to define the tracking group.
com.lombardisoftware.client.delegate.BusinessDelegateException: (PFS-0065) Snapshot 2064.8961f2a9-d0f9-419f-bfee-8e6437c4c0ba, undefined tracking group with external ID guid:06fb68640f875312:27f9b3f:148179f00e7:-7ffc. Send definitions to define the tracking group.
In other words, I was executing a BPD on the in-built Process Server run-time for which there was no corresponding Tracking Group. The clue is in the error above, helpfully highlighted in red.
This was easily resolved - I logged into the Process Admin console ( ), clicked on the Installed Apps tab and, for the app in question, clicked on the Update Tracking Definitions button: -
Once I did this, the TASKS table magically created itself, LSW_DATA_TRANSFER_ERRORS cleared itself down, and I was able to see statistics from my BPD within the TASKS table.
Now to go and turn off PDW so I never see statistics in the TASKS table again :-)