I've seen this a few times before: -
ERROR: Failed to find required installation files.
CRIMA1161E ERROR: Failed to find required installation files.
Explanation: Installation Manager did not find required installation files from the repository.An issue has occurred with the package that cannot be resolved by Installation Manager.
User Action: If the repository files were transferred from a different location before the installation, verify that the files were not altered during the transfer operation. Copy the repository files to a different location and install from that location. If the repository files were not transferred note the package name and version number and contact customer support.
CRIMC1020E ERROR: plug-in com.ibm.was.ihs.moreinfo.v85_8.5.0.20120118_0100 not found
ERROR: 'plug-in com.ibm.was.ihs.moreinfo.v85_8.5.0.20120118_0100' does not exist in /tmp/Repository/BPM/Product/IM64 (at /tmp/Repository/BPM/Product/IM64/plugins/com.ibm.was.ihs.moreinfo.v85_8.5.0.20120118_0100.jar).
ERROR: 'plug-in com.ibm.was.ihs.moreinfo.v85_8.5.0.20120118_0100' not found.
ERROR: 'plug-in com.ibm.was.ihs.moreinfo.v85_8.5.0.20120118_0100' not found in /tmp/Repository/WAS/Fixes/Supplements.
This time, the solution was easy - there was a typo in my response file.
CRIMA1161E ERROR: Failed to find required installation files.
Explanation: Installation Manager did not find required installation files from the repository.An issue has occurred with the package that cannot be resolved by Installation Manager.
User Action: If the repository files were transferred from a different location before the installation, verify that the files were not altered during the transfer operation. Copy the repository files to a different location and install from that location. If the repository files were not transferred note the package name and version number and contact customer support.
CRIMC1020E ERROR: plug-in com.ibm.was.ihs.moreinfo.v85_8.5.0.20120118_0100 not found
ERROR: 'plug-in com.ibm.was.ihs.moreinfo.v85_8.5.0.20120118_0100' does not exist in /tmp/Repository/BPM/Product/IM64 (at /tmp/Repository/BPM/Product/IM64/plugins/com.ibm.was.ihs.moreinfo.v85_8.5.0.20120118_0100.jar).
ERROR: 'plug-in com.ibm.was.ihs.moreinfo.v85_8.5.0.20120118_0100' not found.
ERROR: 'plug-in com.ibm.was.ihs.moreinfo.v85_8.5.0.20120118_0100' not found in /tmp/Repository/WAS/Fixes/Supplements.
This time, the solution was easy - there was a typo in my response file.
I had written this: -
<repository location='/tmp/Repository/WAS/Product/Supplement'/>
when I actually meant to write this: -
<repository location='/tmp/Repository/WAS/Product/Supplements'/>
Easy when you know how :-)