.... failed rather spectacularly, mainly because I didn't read the manual :-)
The documentation for the above commands is here: -
Configuration commands (wsadmin)
Commands (wsadmin scripting) for configuring the Business Space component for dashboards
registerBusinessMonitorTarget script
So BAM 8.5.5 has a different approach to creating the configuration, rather than the previous installation, which used the IBM BPM Deployment Environment process.
So I installed the binaries: -
and then configured the clusters using the new scripted process: -
cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/scripts.wbm/monConfig
./monConfig.sh -c ~/monconfig_threeCluster.properties -d Dmgr01 -p passw0rd -u wasadmin
./monConfig.sh -c ~/monconfig_threeCluster.properties -d Dmgr01 -p passw0rd -u wasadmin
and then tried to start the clusters, one of which ( the Support cluster, which hosts Cognos ) failed with: -
[29/07/14 17:21:22:589 BST] 00000001 VariableExpan E WSVR0244E: An undefined i.wbmCognosUrl product variable has been encountered in the value property of the /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/config/cells/bam855Cell/resources.xml#J2EEResourceProperty_1406649536784 configuration object.
[29/07/14 17:21:22:591 BST] 00000001 ResourceMgrIm E WSVR0017E: Error encountered binding the J2EE resource, CognosEndpoint, as resource/wbm/CognosEndpoint from /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/config/cells/bam855Cell/resources.xml
com.ibm.wsspi.runtime.variable.UndefinedVariableException: Undefined variable i.wbmCognosUrl
So I checked the resources.xml file: -
[29/07/14 17:21:22:591 BST] 00000001 ResourceMgrIm E WSVR0017E: Error encountered binding the J2EE resource, CognosEndpoint, as resource/wbm/CognosEndpoint from /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/config/cells/bam855Cell/resources.xml
com.ibm.wsspi.runtime.variable.UndefinedVariableException: Undefined variable i.wbmCognosUrl
So I checked the resources.xml file: -
view /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/config/cells/bam855Cell/resources.xml
which showed: -
<resourceProperties xmi:id="J2EEResourceProperty_1406649536784" name="{com.ibm.cognos}cognosServiceRootId.url" type="java.lang.String" value="${i.wbmCognosUrl}" description="Cognos end point setting" required="false"/>
The offending value actually comes from one of two files: -
wbmCognosUrl = "${i.wbmCognosUrl}"
wbmCognosUrl = $@i.wbmCognosUrl@
The root cause ?
(a) I did not read the manual
(b) I had not actually deployed / configured Cognos to the Support cluster :-)
The latter part of the solution is to actually run a script to deploy Cognos.
Here's an EXAMPLE from my own environment: -
/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/bin/wsadmin.sh -lang jython -user wasadmin -password passw0rd
AdminTask.wbmDeployCognosService('[-cluster monSupportCluster1 -dbName COGNOSCS -dbUserName cognos -dbUserPassword passw0rd -adminUserName wasadmin -adminPassword passw0rd]')
AdminTask.wbmDeployCognosService('[-cluster monSupportCluster1 -dbName COGNOSCS -dbUserName cognos -dbUserPassword passw0rd -adminUserName wasadmin -adminPassword passw0rd]')
Once I did this, the Support cluster came up nicely :-)
The documentation for the above commands is here: -
Configuration commands (wsadmin)
Commands (wsadmin scripting) for configuring the Business Space component for dashboards
registerBusinessMonitorTarget script