I kept seeing this: -
when attempting to register a new Java user-defined-function in DB2 UDB
SQL20201N The install, replace or remove of "DB2INST1.UUIDUDFJAR" failed as
the jar name is invalid. SQLSTATE=46002
the jar name is invalid. SQLSTATE=46002
when running this: -
$ db2 "call sqlj.install_jar('file:/home/db2inst1/UUIDUDF.jar', 'UUIDUDFJAR')"
when attempting to register a new Java user-defined-function in DB2 UDB
Having checked the path, permissions etc. for my Java Jar file - /home/db2inst1/UUIDUDF.jar - I eventually Google'd the error :-)
I found this: -
which said, in part: -
The example for SQL20201 uses the same INSERT stored procedure used in the SQL4306 example above to illustrate a SQL20201 problem. SQL20201 can occur:
Listing 30. SQL20201 example 1: Error occurs when installing the JAR file on Windows
For the first situation, you will have to call sqlj.remove_jar first before you call sqlj.install_jar to install the JAR file again. Or you can simply call sqlj.replace_jar if you want to replace the JAR file with updated class files.
The example for SQL20201 uses the same INSERT stored procedure used in the SQL4306 example above to illustrate a SQL20201 problem. SQL20201 can occur:
• When you attempt to drop and recreate the stored procedure, but did not remove the JAR file before calling sqlj.install_jar again.
• When you attempt to remove the JAR file with an invalid JAR ID.
Listing 30. SQL20201 example 1: Error occurs when installing the JAR file on Windows
D:\>db2 drop procedure INSERT
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
D:\>db2 call sqlj.install_jar("file:///D:\INSERT.jar", 'INSERTJAR')
SQL20201N The install, replace or remove of "CWYLAW .INSERTJAR" failed as
the jar name is invalid. SQLSTATE=46002
For the first situation, you will have to call sqlj.remove_jar first before you call sqlj.install_jar to install the JAR file again. Or you can simply call sqlj.replace_jar if you want to replace the JAR file with updated class files.
I did as suggested: -
$ db2 "call sqlj.remove_jar('UUIDUDF.jar')"
and, voila, was then able to install the JAR.
Nice :-)
Thanks also to this developerWorks post - Generating universally unique identifiers (UUID) - which advised how to create the UDF in the first instance :-)