If you see this: -
[10/10/13 10:48:31:935 BST] 0000003a RoleBasedAuth A SECJ0305I: The role-based authorization check failed for admin-authz operation Server:stop. The user E01619367 (unique ID: user:defaultwimfilebasedrealm/t=e01619367,ou=people,o=barclays) was not granted any of the following required roles: operator, administrator.
and: -
and: -
javax.management.JMRuntimeException: ADMN0022E: Access is denied for the stop operation on Server MBean because of insufficient or empty credentials.
at com.ibm.ws.management.AdminServiceImpl.preInvoke(AdminServiceImpl.java:2378)
at com.ibm.ws.management.AdminServiceImpl$1.run(AdminServiceImpl.java:1308)
when attempting to stop a WAS server/cluster, as the error says, you don't have authority.
javax.management.JMRuntimeException: ADMN0022E: Access is denied for the stop operation on Server MBean because of insufficient or empty credentials.
at com.ibm.ws.management.AdminServiceImpl.preInvoke(AdminServiceImpl.java:2378)
at com.ibm.ws.management.AdminServiceImpl$1.run(AdminServiceImpl.java:1308)
when attempting to stop a WAS server/cluster, as the error says, you don't have authority.
This occurred to me because I was logged into WAS with a normal user, to whom I'd given ONLY the Administrator role.
However, I'd NOT given the user the Operator role.
Once I did that, all was well ;-)
Which is nice …..