Whilst trying to create a Storage Bucket within my IBM Cloud Object Storage (COS) instance: -
ic cos bucket-create --bucket abcd321s
I saw this: -
InvalidLocationConstraint: Invalid provisioning code. Container storage location not deployed
status code: 400, request id: ff7e511d-87d4-4a65-b20c-8a35e268ce73, host id:
I suspected my configuration, specifically the Service Endpoint for COS: -
ic cos config endpoint-url --list
Key Value
ServiceEndpointURL s3.us-south.cloud-object-storage.appdomain.cloud
Looking at Endpoints and storage locations and given that I'm targeting the EU-DE region, I took a guess that having us-south wasn't ever gonna work.
Therefore, I cleared the current setting: -
ic cos config endpoint-url --clear
and validated the clearing: -
ic cos config endpoint-url --list
Key Value
and set it to eu-de: -
ic cos config endpoint-url --url s3.eu-de.cloud-object-storage.appdomain.cloud
Successfully updated service endpoint URL.
and validating the setting: -
ic cos config endpoint-url --list
Key Value
ServiceEndpointURL s3.eu-de.cloud-object-storage.appdomain.cloud
and then retried the bucket creation: -
ic cos bucket-create --bucket abcd321s
Details about bucket abcd321s:
Region: eu-de
Class: Standard