So I do a lot of work with IBM Container Registry (ICR) via the IBM Cloud command-line tool.
Having logged into my IBM Cloud account: -
ic login -sso
I then log into my ICR instance: -
ic cr login
and go look at my images.
I'm specifically interested in those images which have vulnerabilities, as scanned by the oh-so-useful built-in Vulnerability Advisor (VA) tool.
In the past, I did this via an unwieldy use of grep -v as per this: -
ic cr images | grep -v "No Issues" | grep -v "Unsupported OS"
effectively parsing out images that have either No Issues or are based upon an Unsupported OS.
Is there a better way, I thought to myself ?
Well, dur, of course there is: -
ic cr images | grep -v "No Issues\|Unsupported OS"
which does the same job but in fewer characters.
Thanks to the source - How to Grep for Multiple Strings, Patterns or Words