I'm playing with skopeo on Ubuntu 20.04, having simply copied the binary from one box to another ...
Having validated the binary: -
which skopeo
ls -al `which skopeo`
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 26859648 Aug 19 09:44 /usr/bin/skopeo
skopeo --version
skopeo version 1.3.0
I tried and, alas, failed to pull an image using skopeo copy ...
skopeo copy docker://registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora:latest dir:/tmp/fedora.image
FATA[0000] Error loading trust policy: open /etc/containers/policy.json: no such file or directory
I checked for the missing file: -
find / -name "policy.json" 2>/dev/null
but to no avail.
Given that I knew that this worked on another Ubuntu 20.04 box, I checked for the file over there: -
find / -name "policy.json" 2>/dev/null
and grabbed a look at it: -
cat /etc/containers/policy.json
"default": [
"type": "insecureAcceptAnything"
"": [{"type":"insecureAcceptAnything"}]