Whilst writing the world's simplest Bash script to: -
- delete a pod
- deploy a new pod
- list the running pods
- describe the newly deployed pod
I wanted to add newline characters into my echo statements, to make things more readable.
I've written before about echo -e so was just double-checking my understanding via the command-line ...
I entered: -
echo -e "Hello World!\n"
but, instead of a friendly greeting, I saw: -
-bash: !\n: event not found
Wait, what now ?
Yeah, of course, I've entered a magical place escape sequence of: -
pling slash n
which, obviously, isn't what I meant to do ....
Easy solution - stick in a space character ...
echo -e "Hello World! \n"
Hello World!
So here's the finished script: -
echo -e "Deleting existing busybox-kata pod\n"
kubectl delete pod busybox-kata
echo -e "\nDeploying new busybox-kata pod\n"
kubectl apply -f busybox-kata.yaml
echo -e "\nSleeping ...\n"
sleep 10
echo -e "\nChecking pods ...\n"
kubectl get pods
echo -e "\nSleeping ...\n"
sleep 5
echo -e "\nDescribing busybox-kata pod to see all is good ...\n"
kubectl describe pod busybox-kata | tail -8