Well, the headline somewhat overhypes things BUT following on from my earlier post: -
Cloudy databases - Back with Cloudant on IBM Cloud
I noted that one can get the URL of a Cloudant instance from the Manage -> Overview page: -
and copy the External Endpoint (preferred) URL.
When this URL is copied to the clipboard, it includes a trailing slash ( / ), which is totally fine.
Right ?
Right ?
Well, not necessarily.
I then go on to describe how that URL can be added to a $URL environment variable: -
export URL="https://d66573ef-c567-4efc-6e59-c8ab7eb33de6-bluemix.cloudantnosqldb.appdomain.cloud/"
and then use that for various cURL commands such as: -
curl -s -k -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer '"$ACCESS_TOKEN" $URL/music | json_pp
What I'd missed was.... it just does not work
That command fails with: -
"reason" : "Database does not exist.",
"error" : "not_found"
What was worse - I couldn't even create new databases: -
curl -s -k -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer '"$ACCESS_TOKEN" $URL/chocolate | json_pp
"reason" : "Database does not exist.",
"error" : "not_found"
curl -v -k -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer '"$ACCESS_TOKEN" $URL/cookies | json_pp
"reason" : "Database does not exist.",
"error" : "not_found"
which made absolutely no sense whatsoever.
It took me a while to work out what was going wrong ....
As mentioned, when I copied the URL from the Cloudant Overview page, it was coping the trailing slash.
This meant that the $URL variable included the slash ...
And then, when I specified the database name appended to the URL, I had: -
or: -
which, when the variable is expanded by the shell, turns into: -
or: -
In other words, we're trying to access / create a database called /music or /cookies.
Once I realised what was going wrong, I amended the $URL variable: -
export URL="https://d66573ef-c567-4efc-6e59-c8ab7eb33de6-bluemix.cloudantnosqldb.appdomain.cloud"
and all was well: -
curl -s -k -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer '"$ACCESS_TOKEN" $URL/chocolate | json_pp
"ok" : true
curl -s -k -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer '"$ACCESS_TOKEN" $URL/chocolate | json_pp
"props" : {},
"compact_running" : false,
"doc_del_count" : 0,
"purge_seq" : 0,
"instance_start_time" : "0",
"doc_count" : 0,
"sizes" : {
"active" : 0,
"external" : 0,
"file" : 133940
"cluster" : {
"w" : 2,
"r" : 2,
"n" : 3,
"q" : 16
"disk_format_version" : 8,
"db_name" : "chocolate"