A few years back, I was using Cloudant to store JSON data for a POC upon which my team and I were working, and wrote a few posts: -
IBM Integration Bus and Cloudant - Baby steps ...
Cloudant - Continuing to tinker
Doofus Alert - Using Cloudant queries via cURL
Fast forward to now ... I'm back in the game with Cloudant, and had to remind myself of some of the core concepts ...
So I created a Cloudant instance in my IBM Cloud account: -
Once my instance was created, I navigated to the Manage tab: -
( note that I've deliberately obscured the CRN and Endpoint details, for security )
However, I grabbed the External Endpoint (preferred) because that URL will be of use in a tick ...
Also note that Authentication methods defaults to IBM Cloud IAM which is important, in that it allows one to authenticate to the database using an API key / Access Token ...
Using the External Endpoint as an example, I've created a randomised sample here: -
because ... SECURITY 😂
With that, and an Access Token, which I generated via my IBM Cloud API key, I'm able to access my Cloudant instance from the command-line: -
Generate Access Token
- This is a script that I use, via an alias, to parse the API key and generate an $ACCESS_TOKEN variable
source ~/genAccessToken.sh
Set the $URL variable
export URL="https://d66573ef-c567-4efc-6e59-c8ab7eb33de6-bluemix.cloudantnosqldb.appdomain.cloud/"
Query the Cloudant instance
- Note that we don't need to explicitly authenticate to do this i.e. we don't present $ACCESS_TOKEN
curl -s -k -X GET $URL | json_pp
"features" : [
"version" : "2.1.1",
"vendor" : {
"version" : "8162",
"name" : "IBM Cloudant",
"variant" : "paas"
"features_flags" : [
"couchdb" : "Welcome"
Create a database
- called movies
curl -s -k -X PUT $URL/movies | json_pp
"error" : "unauthorized",
"reason" : "one of _admin, server_admin is required for this request"
Goops, forgot to add the $ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable to the HTTP header
curl -s -k -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer '"$ACCESS_TOKEN" $URL/movies | json_pp
Query available databases
curl -s -k -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer '"$ACCESS_TOKEN" $URL/_all_dbs | json_pp
Get the details on the movies database
curl -s -k -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer '"$ACCESS_TOKEN" $URL/movies | json_pp
"instance_start_time" : "0",
"doc_count" : 0,
"cluster" : {
"q" : 16,
"r" : 2,
"w" : 2,
"n" : 3
"compact_running" : false,
"props" : {},
"db_name" : "movies",
"sizes" : {
"external" : 0,
"file" : 133940,
"active" : 0
"purge_seq" : 0,
"disk_format_version" : 8,
"doc_del_count" : 0
Create a JSON payload to populate the movies database
vi movies.json
"name":"War Games",
"name":"Top Gun",
"name":"Rogue One",
"name":"Mission Impossible",
Populate the movies database
curl -s -k -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer '"$ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d @movies.json $URL/movies/_bulk_docs | json_pp
"rev" : "1-48aa26577c7e2a4380df147095a1f592",
"ok" : true,
"id" : "1"
"rev" : "1-cd93fc31e45e9379eb2137601ffaef38",
"ok" : true,
"id" : "2"
"id" : "3",
"rev" : "1-7bd2eb120d332170527a584897702e60",
"ok" : true
"ok" : true,
"rev" : "1-5e930ff076df50b8cb9b09d354dc184b",
"id" : "4"
"rev" : "1-007906c513fc0c6d8c13c99e3ca4265f",
"ok" : true,
"id" : "5"
"ok" : true,
"rev" : "1-e3af283ebc1e44960cbc90690dde197c",
"id" : "6"
Query the movies database
curl -s -k -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer '"$ACCESS_TOKEN" $URL/movies/_all_docs?include_docs=true | json_pp
"rows" : [
"key" : "1",
"value" : {
"rev" : "1-48aa26577c7e2a4380df147095a1f592"
"id" : "1",
"doc" : {
"format" : "DVD",
"_rev" : "1-48aa26577c7e2a4380df147095a1f592",
"_id" : "1",
"name" : "War Games"
"doc" : {
"name" : "Top Gun",
"format" : "BluRay",
"_id" : "2",
"_rev" : "1-cd93fc31e45e9379eb2137601ffaef38"
"id" : "2",
"value" : {
"rev" : "1-cd93fc31e45e9379eb2137601ffaef38"
"key" : "2"
"doc" : {
"_rev" : "1-7bd2eb120d332170527a584897702e60",
"_id" : "3",
"format" : "MP4",
"name" : "Rogue One"
"key" : "3",
"value" : {
"rev" : "1-7bd2eb120d332170527a584897702e60"
"id" : "3"
"id" : "4",
"value" : {
"rev" : "1-5e930ff076df50b8cb9b09d354dc184b"
"key" : "4",
"doc" : {
"name" : "Airplane",
"_id" : "4",
"_rev" : "1-5e930ff076df50b8cb9b09d354dc184b",
"format" : "MP4"
"key" : "5",
"value" : {
"rev" : "1-007906c513fc0c6d8c13c99e3ca4265f"
"id" : "5",
"doc" : {
"_id" : "5",
"_rev" : "1-007906c513fc0c6d8c13c99e3ca4265f",
"format" : "BluRay",
"name" : "Avengers"
"doc" : {
"_rev" : "1-e3af283ebc1e44960cbc90690dde197c",
"_id" : "6",
"format" : "MP4",
"name" : "Mission Impossible"
"key" : "6",
"value" : {
"rev" : "1-e3af283ebc1e44960cbc90690dde197c"
"id" : "6"
"offset" : 0,
"total_rows" : 6
Query individual records
curl -s -k -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer '"$ACCESS_TOKEN" $URL/movies/1 | json_pp
"name" : "War Games",
"_rev" : "1-48aa26577c7e2a4380df147095a1f592",
"_id" : "1",
"format" : "DVD"
curl -s -k -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer '"$ACCESS_TOKEN" $URL/movies/2 | json_pp
"name" : "Top Gun",
"format" : "BluRay",
"_id" : "2",
"_rev" : "1-cd93fc31e45e9379eb2137601ffaef38"
Query the database using search criteria
curl -s -k -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer '"$ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Content-type: application/json" $URL/movies/_find -d '{
"selector": {
}' | json_pp
"docs" : [
"name" : "Airplane",
"format" : "MP4",
"_id" : "4",
"_rev" : "1-5e930ff076df50b8cb9b09d354dc184b"
"warning" : "No matching index found, create an index to optimize query time.",
"bookmark" : "g1AAAAAyeJzLYWBgYMpgSmHgKy5JLCrJTq2MT8lPzkzJBYozmoAkOGASEKEsAEr3DR8"
Create a text index on the name field
- This will allow us to mitigate the warnings shown previously
curl -s -k -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer '"$ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Content-type: application/json" $URL/movies/_index -d '{
"index": {
"fields": [
"name": "name-json-index",
"type": "json"
' | json_pp
"id" : "_design/700ae9eb4c3ddffe7f46e8b3140ee324aed53c0c",
"result" : "created",
"name" : "name-json-index"
Create a text index on the format field
curl -s -k -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer '"$ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Content-type: application/json" $URL/movies/_index -d '{
"index": {
"fields": [
"name": "format-json-index",
"type": "json"
' | json_pp
"name" : "format-json-index",
"result" : "created",
"id" : "_design/22dce09672c8b999fabd11c2cb7caffc9ee3ee37"
Query the database using the name field
curl -s -k -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer '"$ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Content-type: application/json" $URL/movies/_find -d '{
"selector": {
}' | json_pp
"bookmark" : "g1AAAAA_eJzLYWBgYMpgSmHgKy5JLCrJTq2MT8lPzkzJBYozmoAkOGASOSAhkDiHY2ZRQU5iXmpWFgAI1RD1",
"docs" : [
"name" : "Airplane",
"_id" : "4",
"_rev" : "1-5e930ff076df50b8cb9b09d354dc184b",
"format" : "MP4"
Query the database using the format field
curl -s -k -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer '"$ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Content-type: application/json" $URL/movies/_find -d '{
"selector": {
}' | json_pp
"bookmark" : "g1AAAAA6eJzLYWBgYMpgSmHgKy5JLCrJTq2MT8lPzkzJBYozmoEkOGASOSAhkDizb4BJVhYAt0cOlw",
"docs" : [
"_rev" : "1-7bd2eb120d332170527a584897702e60",
"format" : "MP4",
"name" : "Rogue One",
"_id" : "3"
"_rev" : "1-5e930ff076df50b8cb9b09d354dc184b",
"format" : "MP4",
"name" : "Airplane",
"_id" : "4"
"name" : "Mission Impossible",
"format" : "MP4",
"_rev" : "1-e3af283ebc1e44960cbc90690dde197c",
"_id" : "6"
Just to close the loop, this is what I now see in the Cloudant Dashboard: -
It's been great to get back into Cloudant ... so much more to learn 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣