I was looking for a simple way to "peer" inside a newly-built Docker image, without actually starting a container from that image ...
Specifically, I wanted to look at the content of a configuration file - /etc/ssh/sshd_config - to check some security settings.
Thankfully, the internet had the answer - as per usual
Extract file from docker image?
and this worked for me: -
Use the docker create command to create a container without actually creating (instantiating) a container
docker create debian:jessie
Specifically, I wanted to look at the content of a configuration file - /etc/ssh/sshd_config - to check some security settings.
Thankfully, the internet had the answer - as per usual
Extract file from docker image?
and this worked for me: -
Use the docker create command to create a container without actually creating (instantiating) a container
docker create debian:jessie
This returns the ID of the created container: -
Use the container ID to copy the required file to, say, /tmp
docker cp 7233e5c0df37bd460cc4d13b98f1f0b4d2d04677ea3356ad178af3a4af6484e5:/etc/ssh/sshd_config /tmp
Check out the copied file
cat /tmp/sshd_config
Delete the container
docker rm 7233e5c0df37bd460cc4d13b98f1f0b4d2d04677ea3356ad178af3a4af6484e5
Job done!
Obviously, I could've been even more elegant: -
export CONTAINER=`docker create debian:jessie`
docker cp $CONTAINER:/etc/ssh/sshd_config /tmp
cat /tmp/sshd_config
docker rm $CONTAINER
Nice !