This came up in discussion today, and one of my colleagues pointed me here: -
Difference between Docker registry and repository
Docker registry is a service that is storing your docker images.
Docker registry could be hosted by a third party, as public or private registry, like one of the following registries:
Docker Hub,
Google Container Registry,
AWS Container Registry
or you can host the docker registry by yourself
(see for more details).
Docker repository is a collection of different docker images with same name, that have different tags. Tag is alphanumeric identifier of the image within a repository.
For example see There are many different tags for the official python image, these tags are all members of the official python repository on the Docker Hub. Docker Hub is a Docker Registry hosted by Docker.
To find out more read:
IBM Cloud also helped me here, in that I have an IBM Cloud Container Registry service, aka ICCR, within which I have access to several Repositories, and the ICCR UI helpfully tells me: -
A repository is a set of related images with the same name, but different tags.
which is, as they say, nice 😂
Difference between Docker registry and repository
Docker registry is a service that is storing your docker images.
Docker registry could be hosted by a third party, as public or private registry, like one of the following registries:
Docker Hub,
Google Container Registry,
AWS Container Registry
or you can host the docker registry by yourself
(see for more details).
Docker repository is a collection of different docker images with same name, that have different tags. Tag is alphanumeric identifier of the image within a repository.
For example see There are many different tags for the official python image, these tags are all members of the official python repository on the Docker Hub. Docker Hub is a Docker Registry hosted by Docker.
To find out more read:
IBM Cloud also helped me here, in that I have an IBM Cloud Container Registry service, aka ICCR, within which I have access to several Repositories, and the ICCR UI helpfully tells me: -
A repository is a set of related images with the same name, but different tags.
which is, as they say, nice 😂