Well, technically I started my new job yesterday - 6 February.
Well, to be more accurate, I've been morphing into my new job for the past few weeks.
Well, to be even more accurate, I'm still doing a bit of my old job, whilst also doing my new job.
Is that 100% clear ?
Anyway, after 10 years in IBM Software Services ( under different organisational names ) and nearly 20 years in IBM Software Group ( again under different organisations, most recently IBM Cloud ), I've changed roles.
From an IBM organisational perspective, I've gone back to my roots, as I'm now part of IBM Systems Group, which I joined way back in 1992 when I was working in AS/400 technical support.
Since then, I've worked with all of IBM's server range, including the since departed System X ( Intel-based X86 products moved to Lenovo back in 2014 ) .....
With one exception.
Whilst I've worked on AS/400 ( became iSeries, became System i, now IBM I ) and RS/6000 ( became pSeries, became System p, now IBM Power ) and the aforementioned PS/2 ( became Netfinity, System x and then departed ), I've never properly worked on S/390 ( which became zSeries, System z and now IBM Z ).
Well, I was an end-user of PROFS, EHONE, RETAIN etc. but that's not quite the same thing.
Apart from moving organisations, I've also moved into the IBM Development organisation for the first time ever. Having worked in support, ISV/partner enablement, technical sales and then software services, this is the first time I can honestly say .... I'm an IBM Developer.
Well, now I am.
Bringing the two together is where I'm at.
So after that lengthy introduction, what am I doing ?
Well, I've joined the IBM Hyper Protect Containers team, based in Hursley Park, also known as Z-as-a-Service (ZaaS) bringing Kubernetes to the IBM mainframe ( or vice versa ).
In the main, this means that I'm hands-on and knee-deep in coding, Agile and Design Thinking and test-driven development. It means that I'm going to be learning learning learning ...
Right now, I'm living in macOS Terminal, with SSH sessions, vi/sed/awk/grep, Bash scripting and, of course, Linux, Docker and Kubernetes.
So no change there then.
If you read my posts over the past few years, guess what I've been doing ... much the same, albeit more focused on the Intel x86-64 platforms.
I'm also getting to grips with GitHub, Jenkins, UrbanCode Deploy etc. which again builds upon what I've done before.
So, as ever throughout my long career ( in my 34th year ), it's career by evolution, taking what I know, and growing it .....
Or, to use my most common catch-phrase, #LifeIsGood
Watch this space.... more to follow
Well, to be more accurate, I've been morphing into my new job for the past few weeks.
Well, to be even more accurate, I'm still doing a bit of my old job, whilst also doing my new job.
Is that 100% clear ?
Anyway, after 10 years in IBM Software Services ( under different organisational names ) and nearly 20 years in IBM Software Group ( again under different organisations, most recently IBM Cloud ), I've changed roles.
From an IBM organisational perspective, I've gone back to my roots, as I'm now part of IBM Systems Group, which I joined way back in 1992 when I was working in AS/400 technical support.
Since then, I've worked with all of IBM's server range, including the since departed System X ( Intel-based X86 products moved to Lenovo back in 2014 ) .....
With one exception.
Whilst I've worked on AS/400 ( became iSeries, became System i, now IBM I ) and RS/6000 ( became pSeries, became System p, now IBM Power ) and the aforementioned PS/2 ( became Netfinity, System x and then departed ), I've never properly worked on S/390 ( which became zSeries, System z and now IBM Z ).
Well, I was an end-user of PROFS, EHONE, RETAIN etc. but that's not quite the same thing.
Apart from moving organisations, I've also moved into the IBM Development organisation for the first time ever. Having worked in support, ISV/partner enablement, technical sales and then software services, this is the first time I can honestly say .... I'm an IBM Developer.
Well, now I am.
Bringing the two together is where I'm at.
So after that lengthy introduction, what am I doing ?
Well, I've joined the IBM Hyper Protect Containers team, based in Hursley Park, also known as Z-as-a-Service (ZaaS) bringing Kubernetes to the IBM mainframe ( or vice versa ).
In the main, this means that I'm hands-on and knee-deep in coding, Agile and Design Thinking and test-driven development. It means that I'm going to be learning learning learning ...
Right now, I'm living in macOS Terminal, with SSH sessions, vi/sed/awk/grep, Bash scripting and, of course, Linux, Docker and Kubernetes.
So no change there then.
If you read my posts over the past few years, guess what I've been doing ... much the same, albeit more focused on the Intel x86-64 platforms.
I'm also getting to grips with GitHub, Jenkins, UrbanCode Deploy etc. which again builds upon what I've done before.
So, as ever throughout my long career ( in my 34th year ), it's career by evolution, taking what I know, and growing it .....
Or, to use my most common catch-phrase, #LifeIsGood
Watch this space.... more to follow