Now you know that I love to tinker with technology .....
Today, it is Microclimate deployed on IBM Cloud Private 3.1.1.
The Helm chart etc. are here: -
Whilst I'm NOT yet there, I did resolve an issue - one of my own making ...
Having gone through the pre-requisite steps, I chose to use the Helm CLI to create the deployment: -
helm install --name microclimate --namespace micro-climate --set global.rbac.serviceAccountName=micro-sa,jenkins.rbac.serviceAccountName=pipeline-sa,,persistence.useDynamicProvisioning=false,jenkins.Persistence.ExistingClaim=micro-climate/microclimate-jenkins,persistence.existingClaimName=micro-climate/microclimate-ibm-microclimate ibm-charts/ibm-microclimate --tls
Today, it is Microclimate deployed on IBM Cloud Private 3.1.1.
The Helm chart etc. are here: -
Whilst I'm NOT yet there, I did resolve an issue - one of my own making ...
Having gone through the pre-requisite steps, I chose to use the Helm CLI to create the deployment: -
helm install --name microclimate --namespace micro-climate --set global.rbac.serviceAccountName=micro-sa,jenkins.rbac.serviceAccountName=pipeline-sa,,persistence.useDynamicProvisioning=false,jenkins.Persistence.ExistingClaim=micro-climate/microclimate-jenkins,persistence.existingClaimName=micro-climate/microclimate-ibm-microclimate ibm-charts/ibm-microclimate --tls
specifying Persistent Volumes / Persistent Volume Claims that I'd previously created ( using NFS v4 as the underlying storage sharing mechanism ).
Having deployed the chart, I used kubectl to check the environment: -
kubectl get pods -n micro-climate
microclimate-ibm-microclimate-55b8b7d46c-bhmw6 0/1 Pending 0 3d
microclimate-ibm-microclimate-atrium-7f75d754fd-r9h8f 1/1 Running 0 3d
microclimate-ibm-microclimate-devops-5b88cf9bcc-xb784 1/1 Running 0 3d
microclimate-jenkins-6d8fcb9ff8-7zw5v 0/1 Pending 0 3d
When I dug into one of the Pending pods: -
kubectl describe pod microclimate-jenkins-6d8fcb9ff8-7zw5v -n micro-climate
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Warning FailedScheduling 45s (x187390 over 3d) default-scheduler persistentvolumeclaim "micro-climate/microclimate-jenkins" not found
even though the PVC and it's associated PV were both shown
kubectl get pv
microclimate-ibm-microclimate 8Gi RWX Retain Bound micro-climate/microclimate-ibm-microclimate 35m
microclimate-jenkins 8Gi RWO Retain Bound micro-climate/microclimate-jenkins 3h
kubectl get pvc -n micro-climate
microclimate-ibm-microclimate Bound microclimate-ibm-microclimate 8Gi RWX 35m
microclimate-jenkins Bound microclimate-jenkins 8Gi RWO 3h
It is worth noting that, I learned, it's necessary to create the Persistent Volume Claim before the Persistent Volume.
Once I did things the right way around, I could see that both the PVs AND the PVCs were in the Bound state.
However, that didn't solve the problem with the Microclimate Helm chart ....
Further tinkering did ....
So, for the record, it appears that one can use Name Spaces to segregate PVCs, thus the afore-mentioned command: -
kubectl get pvc -n micro-climate
where the namespace is specified using the -n switch.
However, PVs are NOT similarly segregated ....
Back to the Helm chart ...
When I deployed the chart, I chose to specific the PVCs: -
helm install --name microclimate --namespace micro-climate --set global.rbac.serviceAccountName=micro-sa,jenkins.rbac.serviceAccountName=pipeline-sa,,persistence.useDynamicProvisioning=false,jenkins.Persistence.ExistingClaim=micro-climate/microclimate-jenkins,persistence.existingClaimName=micro-climate/microclimate-ibm-microclimate ibm-charts/ibm-microclimate --tls
and referenced the name space.
Well, that was a bad idea ....
Once I updated my command: -
helm install --name microclimate --namespace micro-climate --set global.rbac.serviceAccountName=micro-sa,jenkins.rbac.serviceAccountName=pipeline-sa,,persistence.useDynamicProvisioning=false,persistence.size=8Gi,jenkins.Persistence.ExistingClaim=microclimate-jenkins,persistence.existingClaimName=microclimate-ibm-microclimate ibm-charts/ibm-microclimate --tls
to no longer specify the namespace for each PVC, things were slightly better ...
kubectl get pods -n micro-climate
microclimate-ibm-microclimate-67cfd99c7b-zspb2 1/1 Running 0 18m
microclimate-ibm-microclimate-atrium-7f75d754fd-t97m7 1/1 Running 0 19m
microclimate-ibm-microclimate-devops-5b88cf9bcc-fr7jg 1/1 Running 0 18m
microclimate-jenkins-755d769675-jp9fj 0/1 Init:CrashLoopBackOff 8 19m
I'm now digging into the reason why the Jenkins pod is failing: -
kubectl describe pod microclimate-jenkins-755d769675-jp9fj -n micro-climate
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 20m default-scheduler Successfully assigned micro-climate/microclimate-jenkins-755d769675-jp9fj to
Normal Started 18m (x4 over 20m) kubelet, Started container
Normal Pulling 17m (x5 over 20m) kubelet, pulling image "ibmcom/microclimate-jenkins:1812"
Normal Pulled 17m (x5 over 20m) kubelet, Successfully pulled image "ibmcom/microclimate-jenkins:1812"
Normal Created 17m (x5 over 20m) kubelet, Created container
Warning BackOff 3s (x81 over 19m) kubelet, Back-off restarting failed container
Watch this space ....