I had an interesting glitch with Helm on IBM Cloud Private earlier.
d7ba0075a9a3 2cb2b0c0ca02 "npm start" 5 hours ago Up 5 hours k8s_helmrepo_helmrepo-77dccffb66-9xwgd_kube-system_71bdb2d6-1bcb-11e8-ab0b-000c290f4d7f_26
25a17810ee7b b72c1d4155b8 "npm start" 5 hours ago Up 19 minutes k8s_helmapi_helm-api-5874f9d746-9qcjg_kube-system_7122aa29-1bcb-11e8-ab0b-000c290f4d7f_25
10647a5b7925 ibmcom/pause:3.0 "/pause" 5 hours ago Up 5 hours k8s_POD_helmrepo-77dccffb66-9xwgd_kube-system_71bdb2d6-1bcb-11e8-ab0b-000c290f4d7f_6
e47f5153f715 ibmcom/pause:3.0 "/pause" 5 hours ago Up 5 hours k8s_POD_helm-api-5874f9d746-9qcjg_kube-system_7122aa29-1bcb-11e8-ab0b-000c290f4d7f_6
For some reason, the Helm UI, accessible via the ICP Console: -
seemed to get out-of-sync with reality, in terms of Helm repositories.
Whilst I could see multiple repositories via the CLI: -
helm repo list
stable https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com
stable https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com
when I went into the Catalog ( Catalog -> Helm Charts ) there was nowt there: -
and the repositories didn't show up via Manage -> Helm Repositories : -
I also saw this: -
when I tried to add a new repository.
However, I was able to add a repo using the Helm command line: -
I found a solution …..
Assuming that Helm was running as one of a small number of Docker containers, I checked ( on the Master/Boot node ): -
docker ps -a|grep -i helm|grep Up
d7ba0075a9a3 2cb2b0c0ca02 "npm start" 5 hours ago Up 5 hours k8s_helmrepo_helmrepo-77dccffb66-9xwgd_kube-system_71bdb2d6-1bcb-11e8-ab0b-000c290f4d7f_26
25a17810ee7b b72c1d4155b8 "npm start" 5 hours ago Up 19 minutes k8s_helmapi_helm-api-5874f9d746-9qcjg_kube-system_7122aa29-1bcb-11e8-ab0b-000c290f4d7f_25
10647a5b7925 ibmcom/pause:3.0 "/pause" 5 hours ago Up 5 hours k8s_POD_helmrepo-77dccffb66-9xwgd_kube-system_71bdb2d6-1bcb-11e8-ab0b-000c290f4d7f_6
e47f5153f715 ibmcom/pause:3.0 "/pause" 5 hours ago Up 5 hours k8s_POD_helm-api-5874f9d746-9qcjg_kube-system_7122aa29-1bcb-11e8-ab0b-000c290f4d7f_6
and chose to restart the helm-api container that was actually running ( in status nom_start rather than /pause ): -
docker restart 25a17810ee7b
and monitored the logs: -
docker logs 25a17810ee7b -f
until I started seeing messages such as this: -
2018-03-01T17:11:01.426Z 'FINE''GET /healthcheck'
2018-03-01T17:11:01.428Z 'FINE''dbHealthcheck \nrepoName: ibm-charts\n'
2018-03-01T17:11:01.440Z 'FINE''getMessage ["statusCode",200] en '
2018-03-01T17:11:01.440Z 'FINE''loadMessages en'
GET /healthcheck 200 15.368 ms - 16
2018-03-01T17:11:10.117Z 'FINE''GET /healthcheck'
2018-03-01T17:11:10.118Z 'FINE''getMessage ["statusCode",200] en '
2018-03-01T17:11:10.118Z 'FINE''loadMessages en'
GET /healthcheck 200 0.902 ms - 16
2018-03-01T17:11:20.117Z 'FINE''GET /healthcheck'
2018-03-01T17:11:20.120Z 'FINE''getMessage ["statusCode",200] en '
2018-03-01T17:11:20.122Z 'FINE''loadMessages en'
GET /healthcheck 200 5.209 ms - 16
2018-03-01T17:11:01.428Z 'FINE''dbHealthcheck \nrepoName: ibm-charts\n'
2018-03-01T17:11:01.440Z 'FINE''getMessage ["statusCode",200] en '
2018-03-01T17:11:01.440Z 'FINE''loadMessages en'
GET /healthcheck 200 15.368 ms - 16
2018-03-01T17:11:10.117Z 'FINE''GET /healthcheck'
2018-03-01T17:11:10.118Z 'FINE''getMessage ["statusCode",200] en '
2018-03-01T17:11:10.118Z 'FINE''loadMessages en'
GET /healthcheck 200 0.902 ms - 16
2018-03-01T17:11:20.117Z 'FINE''GET /healthcheck'
2018-03-01T17:11:20.120Z 'FINE''getMessage ["statusCode",200] en '
2018-03-01T17:11:20.122Z 'FINE''loadMessages en'
GET /healthcheck 200 5.209 ms - 16
At that point, the repositories synced back up: -
and the Catalog caught up: -
So that's all good then.
The moral of the story ?
IBM Cloud Private is a container orchestration/management solution BUILT UPON CONTAINERS !