I was briefly tinkering with the need to update the db2nodes.cfg file to help DB2 Express 11.1 cope with the hostname change of a Windows Server 2012 R2 boxen.
SQL10003C There are not enough system resources to process the request. The request cannot be processed.
I'd created a new VM, via OpenStack, using a snapshot from an existing VM - which I'd NOT yet deleted.
Therefore, OpenStack, being the nice IaaS solution that it is, kindly helped me out by creating the new instance with a new hostname.
This borked DB2, as you'd expect ….
I've seen similar issues with DB2 on Linux: -
and it's typically just a case of updating the db2nodes.cfg file, which lives under the DB2 instance's home directory: -
On Windows …. yeah, good luck with that.
Of course, I found it ….
Easy when you know how.
For the record, DB2 was installed, via IBM Installation Manager, as part of an IBM BPM 8.6 installation.
But that's not important right now ….
For more info about changing DB2 hostnames ( ideally you don't want to do this but … ), please go here: -
which says, in part: -
Locate db2nodes.cfg in one of the following directories:
• UNIX/Linux:
<db2 instance home directory>/sqllib/db2nodes.cfg
<db2 instance home directory>/sqllib/db2nodes.cfg
• All Windows flavors running DB2 v8 and v9.1:
Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\DB2\db2nodes.cfg
Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\DB2\db2nodes.cfg
• Windows XP and 2003 running DB2 v9.5:
Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\DB2\<DB2COPY>\DB2\db2nodes.cfg
NOTE: Application Data is a hidden folder
Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\DB2\<DB2COPY>\DB2\db2nodes.cfg
NOTE: Application Data is a hidden folder
• Windows Vista and later operating systems: ProgramData\IBM\DB2\<DB2COPY>\DB2\db2nodes.cfg
Ah, Windows Vista, how quaint !