Further to my last: -
I'm now looking at the options to use VMware Workstation ( this is on Linux, rather than my default home of macOS ) instead of VirtualBox.
Following this: -
I've installed the appropriate plugin: -
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vmware-workstation
Installing the 'vagrant-vmware-workstation' plugin. This can take a few minutes...
Fetching: vagrant-share-1.1.9.gem (100%)
Fetching: vagrant-vmware-workstation-5.0.3.gem (100%)
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Vagrant is installing the VMware plugin which requires
root access. You may be prompted for your password to
complete setup.
[sudo] password for hayd:
Installed the plugin 'vagrant-vmware-workstation (5.0.3)'!
Fetching: vagrant-share-1.1.9.gem (100%)
Fetching: vagrant-vmware-workstation-5.0.3.gem (100%)
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Vagrant is installing the VMware plugin which requires
root access. You may be prompted for your password to
complete setup.
[sudo] password for hayd:
Installed the plugin 'vagrant-vmware-workstation (5.0.3)'!
and validated the plugin: -
vagrant plugin list
vagrant-share (1.1.9, system)
vagrant-vmware-workstation (5.0.3)
vagrant-vmware-workstation (5.0.3)
I then updated my Vagrantfile to reflect the new choice of provider : -
vi Vagrantfile
inserting: -
config.vm.provider "vmware-workstation"
Finally, I tried (!) to bring my VM up: -
vagrant up
A valid license is required to run the Vagrant VMware
provider. Please visit http://www.vagrantup.com to purchase
a license. Once you purchase a license, you can install it
using `vagrant plugin license`.
Vagrant failed to initialize at a very early stage:
The plugins failed to load properly. The error message given is
shown below.
provider. Please visit http://www.vagrantup.com to purchase
a license. Once you purchase a license, you can install it
using `vagrant plugin license`.
Vagrant failed to initialize at a very early stage:
The plugins failed to load properly. The error message given is
shown below.
Foiled again!
Then I read the Vagrant website more thoroughly
So I need to buy a license for the VMware Plugin from Vagrant ( aka Hashicorp ) at $80
Ah, well, back to VirtualBox for now …..