So this week I'm tinkering ( I love that word ) with IBM Cloud Private (ICP), and am planning to install the Community Edition (CE) variant on an Ubuntu VM on my Mac.
config.yaml hosts misc ssh_key
ldap storage_class
cacert keystone.ldap.conf
This is what I have: -
- macOS 10.13 High Sierra
- VMware Fusion 10.0.1
- Ubuntu 17.10
- Docker
- IBM Cloud Private 2.1.0
and I'm following the ICP installation from here: -
Having pulled the image: -
sudo docker pull ibmcom/icp-inception:2.1.0
Having previously created a target installation directory: -
sudo mkdir /opt/ibm-cloud-private-ce-2.1.0
and changed to that directory: -
cd /opt/ibm-cloud-private-ce-2.1.0
I then tried to start the image: -
sudo docker run -e LICENSE=accept \
-v "$(pwd)":/data ibmcom/icp-inception:2.1.0 cp -r cluster /data
However, this didn't appear to do anything :-(
I then dug further in: -
sudo bash
cd /opt/ibm-cloud-private-ce-2.1.0
docker run -e LICENSE=accept \
-v "$(pwd)":/data ibmcom/icp-inception:2.1.0 cp -r cluster /data
-v "$(pwd)":/data ibmcom/icp-inception:2.1.0 cp -r cluster /data
which returned: -
docker: Error response from daemon: error while creating mount source path '/opt/ibm-cloud-private-ce-2.1.0': mkdir /opt/ibm-cloud-private-ce-2.1.0: read-only file system.
This made no sense, given that I'm effectively running as root :-(
I experimented further: -
docker run -it -v /opt/ibm-cloud-private-ce-2.1.0:/data -e LICENSE=accept ibmcom/icp-inception:2.1.0 /bin/bash
which resulted in much the same: -
docker: Error response from daemon: error while creating mount source path '/opt/ibm-cloud-private-ce-2.1.0': mkdir /opt/ibm-cloud-private-ce-2.1.0: read-only file system.
So, for the record, the switch -v /opt/ibm-cloud-private-ce-2.1.0:/data means that the local OS path ( /opt/ibm-cloud-private-ce-2.1.0 ) is being mapped to the local-to-the-container path ( /data ).
I Googled about a bit: -
Docker Volume not mounting any files
docker do not copy data to volume when use -v command to mount a volume
docker do not copy data to volume when use -v command to mount a volume
which made me wonder whether the problem was with the location, rather than the permissions of the target directory.
I tested this theory: -
mkdir ~/ibm-cloud-private-ce-2.1.0
cd ~/ibm-cloud-private-ce-2.1.0
sudo docker run -e LICENSE=accept \
-v "$(pwd)":/data ibmcom/icp-inception:2.1.0 cp -r cluster /data
-v "$(pwd)":/data ibmcom/icp-inception:2.1.0 cp -r cluster /data
This worked without error, and I was able to confirm that the last part of the command: -
cp -r cluster /data
( which copies data OUT of the container INTO the local filesystem, as mapped using the -v switch )
This is how I validated it: -
ls ~/ibm-cloud-private-ce-2.1.0/ -R
config.yaml hosts misc ssh_key
ldap storage_class
cacert keystone.ldap.conf
So, the moral of the story appears to be that, for Docker on Ubuntu, it's not possible to map volumes from a container to a directory that's NOT in the user's home directory.
I'll dig further …..
Meantime, I can now continue with my ICP implementation ...
For the record, here's how I checked the versions on the Ubuntu VM: -
lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:Ubuntu
Description:Ubuntu 17.10
Distributor ID:Ubuntu
Description:Ubuntu 17.10
docker images
ibmcom/icp-inception 2.1.0 fa65473d72d8 7 days ago 445 MB
docker version
Version: 1.13.1
API version: 1.26
Go version: go1.8.3
Git commit: 092cba3
Built: Thu Oct 12 22:34:44 2017
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Version: 17.06.1-ce
API version: 1.30 (minimum version 1.12)
Go version: go1.8.3
Git commit: 5ff8f9c
Built: Fri Aug 18 14:48:14 2017
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Experimental: false
Version: 1.13.1
API version: 1.26
Go version: go1.8.3
Git commit: 092cba3
Built: Thu Oct 12 22:34:44 2017
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Version: 17.06.1-ce
API version: 1.30 (minimum version 1.12)
Go version: go1.8.3
Git commit: 5ff8f9c
Built: Fri Aug 18 14:48:14 2017
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Experimental: false