This follows on from an earlier post: -
Having updated my JDBC data sources to reflect the correct Oracle service name: -
I'm now seeing the following warning: -
[14/07/17 20:07:17:855 BST] 000000f5 ConfigReader W getDatabaseInfo CWMCB0012W: An inconsistent configuration has been detected for data source jdbc/TeamWorksDB. It is assumed that the correct Oracle service name or SID is rather than orcl.
in the SystemOut.log for the AppCluster members.
The IBM BPM Knowledge Center has a solution: -
CWMCB0012W An inconsistent configuration has been detected for data source 0. It is assumed that the correct Oracle service name or SID is 1 rather than 2.
An IBM BPM data source has been manually modified rather than updated using the "BPMConfig -update -dataSource" command. The resulting configuration is inconsistent.
User response
Export the IBM BPM deployment environment configuration and fix the data source configuration by running the "BPMConfig -update -dataSource" command.
An IBM BPM data source has been manually modified rather than updated using the "BPMConfig -update -dataSource" command. The resulting configuration is inconsistent.
User response
Export the IBM BPM deployment environment configuration and fix the data source configuration by running the "BPMConfig -update -dataSource" command.
Following the advice therein, I exported the BPM configuration: -
/opt/ibm/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ -export -profile Dmgr01 -de De1 -outputDir /tmp/De1
Logging to file /opt/ibm/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/config/BPMConfig_20170714-203920.log.
CWMCB0012W: An inconsistent configuration has been detected for data source jdbc/WPSDB. It is assumed that the correct Oracle service name or SID is rather than orcl.
CWMCB0012W: An inconsistent configuration has been detected for data source jdbc/ECMDBXA. It is assumed that the correct Oracle service name or SID is rather than orcl.
CWMCB0012W: An inconsistent configuration has been detected for data source jdbc/CommonDB. It is assumed that the correct Oracle service name or SID is rather than orcl.
CWMCB0012W: An inconsistent configuration has been detected for data source jdbc/BPEDB. It is assumed that the correct Oracle service name or SID is rather than orcl.
CWMCB0012W: An inconsistent configuration has been detected for data source jdbc/ECMDB. It is assumed that the correct Oracle service name or SID is rather than orcl.
CWMCB0012W: An inconsistent configuration has been detected for data source jdbc/SharedDb. It is assumed that the correct Oracle service name or SID is rather than orcl.
The ' -export -profile Dmgr01 -de De1 -outputDir /tmp/De1' command completed successfully.
and then updated the Data Source configuration: -
/opt/ibm/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ -update -dataSource /tmp/De1/
Logging to file /opt/ibm/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/config/BPMConfig_20170714-204136.log.
Saving configuration changes...
The ' -update -dataSource /tmp/De1/' command completed successfully.
Saving configuration changes...
The ' -update -dataSource /tmp/De1/' command completed successfully.
and then re-exported the configuration to check that all was good: -
/opt/ibm/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ -export -profile Dmgr01 -de De1 -outputDir /tmp/Foobar
Logging to file /opt/ibm/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/config/BPMConfig_20170714-204220.log.
The ' -export -profile Dmgr01 -de De1 -outputDir /tmp/Foobar' command completed successfully.
The ' -export -profile Dmgr01 -de De1 -outputDir /tmp/Foobar' command completed successfully.
So that's all good then :-)