This came up in a conversation with one of my team earlier.
mqsistop TESTNODE_iibadmin
In brief, it's possible to configure the IIB 10 Web Admin UI to be protected by a user ID / password.
This is what I did: -
Define a user ID, password and role - iibadmins
mqsiwebuseradmin TESTNODE_iibadmin -c -u davehay -a passw0rd -r iibadmins
Grant the appropriate permissions to the iibadmins role
mqsichangefileauth TESTNODE_iibadmin -r iibadmins -p all+
Stop the Integration Node
mqsistop TESTNODE_iibadmin
Enable the file-based authentication / authorisation
mqsichangeauthmode TESTNODE_iibadmin -s active -m file
Start the Integration Node
mqsistart TESTNODE_iibadmin
For reference: -